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呢篇文章係我係某網頁睇到, 我覺得幾有用.
原文係英文, 所以我嘗試翻譯出黎, 希望同大家分享一下.
呢篇文章係由 50 Smith Skill 開始. 如果已經有 50 Smith
Skill 的話, 可以利用造 Chain Items 去提高技能, 而主要係以 Chain Mail Coif
為主. 當 Skill 達 60 左右你已經可以造 Chain Tunics. 而 Skill 約65
就可以加插打 Gorget 黎升 Skill. 當打 Gorget 0既成功率達 50%
左右就可以用打 Gorget 代替打 Chain Items. (當時 Skill 約為 80)
可以用呢個方法去估計下一樣要打0既 Item. (例如
Gorget 之後係 Gloves --> Helmet --> Platemail Arm --> Legging -->
Breastplate). 當 Skill 到達 95 之後就大量打造 Breastplate. 無論 Skill
有幾高, 打造 Breastplate 都將會經常失敗, GM 亦然.
同常 Skill 由 95 - 100 係大部份人遇到阻力的地方.
- 嘗試一方面 Repair Items 一面打 Breastplate.
- 循環去打 Platemail Items.
- 利用公眾打鐵爐.
筆者亦都指出係 Sever 繁忙時間,
Smith Skill 列表:
技能 |
物品 |
Up to 55% |
Chainmail Coif, every 3-4th time Ring Gloves and Ring Arms. |
Up to 60% |
Chainmail Coif, every 3-4th time Ring Gloves, Ring Arms or Chain Leggings. |
Up to 65-67% |
Chainmail Coif, every 3-4th time Ring Arms, Chain Leggings or Chain Tunic. |
Up to 71% |
Plate Gorgets, every 3-4th time Chainmail Leggings or Chain Leggings |
Up to 78% |
Plate Gorgets and Plate Gloves(1/3 of platemail set). |
Up to 84% |
Plate Gorgets, Plate Gloves and any Helm except Bascinets(1/2 of platemail
set). |
Up to 89% |
Plate Gorgets, Plate Gloves, any Helm, Platemail Arms(2/3 of platemail
set). |
Up to 94% |
Plate Gorgets, Plate Gloves, any Helm, Platemail Arms, Platemail
Leggings(5/6 of
platemail set). |
Up to 100% |
Plate Gorgets, Plate Gloves, any Helm, Platemail Arms, Platemail Leggings,
Platemail Chest(full set). |